HARC General Membership Meeting Minutes July 9, 2019 The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Zach, KE8BSM. Attendance: 23 Secretary’s Report: Accepted as posted. Treasurer’s Report (Rich, WA8MTI): General Fund: $ 2,832.89 Membership Fund: $ 262.79 Cash on hand: $ 0.00 Total: $ 3,095.68 Treasurer’s report was accepted as read. Upcoming Events: VE Testing: The upcoming VE Testing session will be on 2nd Sat in July 6pm at Chick-Owa. “Ham in a Day”: Ham in a Day will be held at 1pm on August 10th at Chick-Owa. VE Testing follows the event at 6pm. For more information, or to register for the Ham in a Day class, please visit: http://tinyurl.com/holohiad E.A.T.: This month’s E.A.T. meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019 lead by Jeff, KD8THX 2 Meter Net: The 2m net of the Holland Amateur Radio Club is held each Monday at 7:30pm on the 147.06 repeater. All amateur radio enthusiasts are welcome to join the net. Please check in and join the fun! Feel free to reach out to Kim, N8KAL to take Net Control. There is a template that can be downloaded on the club's website if you are interested in trying a turn as Net Control. Open Radio Night: Tuesday evenings at Chick-Owa, starting around 6pm. Watch the reflector (https://k8daa.groups.io/g/k8daa/topics for exact dates/times. Ham Fests: Check the arrl.org website: http://www.arrl.org/hamfests-and-conventions-calendar CW Class: Dave, K8RXB is offering another class; please reach out to Dave if you are interested in joining. Old Business: Field Day on June 22 and 23, 2019 K8DAA submitted a score of 4818 to ARRL for field day 2019. August 3rd and 4th Amatuer Radio Lighthouse Society – Lighthouses on the air. HARC will be looking to activate Big Red at Holland State Park. Jeff KD8THX is working on Event Bright. The club needs to look to create some content for the site and audience, but gives us a change to advertise our events, etc. New Business: Holland Markers Club has asked for a demo some amatuer radio to the group on November 19th, 2019. Club talk about paying for use of the Chick Owa Sportsmen's Club. Tom, K8TB made a motion to offer Chick Owa Club $25.00 a meeting, not to exceed $100.00 a month, to be paid quarterly. Motion was discussed and voted. Motion passed unanimously. Jeff, KD8THX made a motion to add a sponsor/donors page on the website. Motion was discussed and voted. Motion passed unanimously. Jeff asked if we could name Chick Owa Sportsmen's Club be listed as a sponsor pending approval of COSC. The business meeting was adjourned at 7:34pm Submitted: Josh Barnes, KE8DXB Holland ARC Secretary secretary@hollandarc.org Please contact the Secretary with comments or corrections.