General Membership Meeting Minutes November 13, 2018 Attendance: 23 The business meeting was called to order at 7:03pm by Tom, K8TB. Opened with Pledge of Allegiance Presentation “Adventures with LoRa” by Pete Hoffswell - N9SSA Secretary’s report for September was accepted as posted. Treasurer’s report (Rich, WA8MTI): General Fund = $2,189.57 Membership Fund = $496.11 Cash on hand = $5.00 Total = $2,690.68 Treasurer’s report was accepted as read. Upcoming Events: Our next Ham in a Day will be held at 1pm on December, 8th at Chick-Owa Sportsman’s Club. VE Testing follows each event at 6pm. For more information, or to register for the Ham in a Day class, please visit: VE Testing – May 9, 2019 at 6pm E.A.T. This month’s E.A.T. meeting is going to be on November 27, 2018 at 7:00PM led by Jeff, KD8THX. 2 Meter Net – The 2m net of the Holland Amateur Radio Club will begin at 7:30p at 147.060. All amateur radio enthusiasts are welcome to join the net. Please check in and join the fun! Feel free to reach out to Kim to take Net control. Ham Fests: Check the website. Tuesday evenings have been an open radio night here at the Chick-Owa Sportsman’s Club starting around of 6:00p – Will be changing over to Fridays in January, February, and March of 2019 because of SOSC's archery league on Tuesday evenings during those months. Old Business: DMR Repeater – Will be up and running in around two months. Skywarn Appreciation Day – November 30th and December 1st, catch up with the Allegan County Amateur Radio Club on their Weekly Net at 7pm on Sundays and their Informational Net immediately following at 8pm on Sundays. 147.240 MHz + offset PL tone 94.8 Hz. Winter Field Day – Jared KE8GBF and Josh KE8DXB will be heading up a group to participate in winter field day January 26th and 27th, 2019. CW Class – Dave K8RXB is heading up the class. Two operators working on their own. Jon was able to make his first contact and has made several since, one student is planning to attempt his first QSO on the 19th of November. John AC8HZ – Club pancake breakfast and mini hamfest on Saturday, December 8th - voted and approved $50 was allocated to cover cost for breakfast foods, etc. New Business: Power Supply for Holland Hospital was purchased $80.00 voted and approved. Yaesu came out with a $170.00 rebate on the FTM-400XDR radio. Club Officers were discussed. In search of nominees for President. Jack, KE8CIO will run as Vice President Josh, KE8DXB will run as Secretary Rich, WA8MTI will run as Treasurer Post Festivus Party – Committee was formed – Jack KE8CIO to Chair Moving all HARC Functions during January February and March to Friday Nights – voted and approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:46pm. Submitted: Josh Barnes, KE8DXB Holland ARC Secretary Please contact the Secretary with comments or corrections.