General Membership Meeting Minutes September 11, 2018 Attendance: 30 The business meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Tom, K8TB. Opened with Pledge of Allegiance Secretary’s report for August was accepted as posted. Treasurer’s report (Rich, WA8MTI): General Fund = $2,389.42 Membership Fund = $190.46 Cash on hand = $5.00 Total = $2,584.88 Checks written: 284.94 Treasurer’s report was accepted as read. Upcoming Events: Our next Ham in a Day will be held at 1pm on December, 8th at Chick-Owa Sportsman’s Club. VE Testing follows each event at 6pm. For more information, or to register for the Ham in a Day class, please visit: VE Testing – November 10, 2018 at 6pm E.A.T. This month’s E.A.T. meeting is going to be on September 25, 2018 at 7:00PM led by Jeff, KD8THX. 2 Meter Net – The 2m net of the Holland Amateur Radio Club will begin at 7:30p at 147.060. All amateur radio enthusiasts are welcome to join the net. Please check in and join the fun! Feel free to reach out to Kim to take Net control. Ham Fests: Check the website. * Muskegon Color Tour Hamfest o Start Date: 10/20/2018 o End Date: 10/20/2018 o Location: Fellowship Reformed Church 4200 East Apple Avenue Muskegon, MI 49440 o Website: o Sponsor: Muskegon County Emergency Communication Services o Type: ARRL Hamfest Tuesday evenings have been an open radio night here at the Chick-Owa Sportsman’s Club starting around of 6:00p Old Business: DMR Repeater – Will be up and running in around two months. Winter Field Day – Jared KE8GBF and Josh KE8DXB will be heading up a group to participate in winter field day January 26th and 27th, 2019. CW Class – Dave K8RXB is heading up the class. Three operators could be QSO ready in September. Todd Boss,W8YHG is looking for volunteers to help with the Park to Park Race on September 22nd, 2018. The event could use 15 operators to assist with communications, so please reach out to Todd if you can help out that day. Need to move on Internet service CSC for Ham in a Day/VE Testing and EAT Meetings. New Business: Antennas are starting to go up at CSC. 40M going up indoors. Need 9:1 BALUN for random wire antenna. Suggested by John AC8HZ – Club pancake breakfast and mini hamfest on Saturday a couple times a year Motion made and passed – start meetings with Pledge of Allegiance Dave WA8RSA brought in ICOM IC-751 radio donated to the club by Mary Heyboer (Ed KF8EV SK). Presentations: Presentation by Jeff KB8QAP – Field day K8DAA 5A Contacts: CW 149 SSB 804 Dig 265 Score: 3264 points 1610 bonus 4874 Total Discussion by Jeff KD8THX and Dan KN8X on ubitx radios. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm. Submitted: Bob Broene K8RJB for Josh Barnes, KE8DXB Holland ARC Secretary Please contact the Secretary with comments or corrections.