General Membership Meeting Minutes June 12, 2018 The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Jack, KE8CIO. Secretary’s report for May was accepted as posted. Treasurer’s report (Rich, WA8MTI): General Fund = $2,445.71 Membership Fund = $190.46 Cash on hand = $30.00 Total = $2,666.19 Treasurer’s report was accepted as read. Upcoming Events: “Ham in a Day” Ham in a Day will be held at 1pm on August 11th at Chick-Owa Sportsman’s Club. VE Testing follows each event at 6pm. For more information, or to register for the Ham in a Day class, please visit: E.A.T. This month’s E.A.T. meeting is going to be on June 26, 2018 at 7:00PM led by Jeff, KD8THX. 2 Meter Net – The 2m net of the Holland Amateur Radio Club will begin at 7:30 at 147.06. All amateur radio enthusiasts are welcome to join the net. Please check in and join the fun! Feel free to reach out to Ed to take Net control. Simplex Net - Plan to be on 2 Meter Simplex at 146.430 MHz, now starting at 8:30P in the evening. This net is headed up by Aaron Folkert, KD8VUN. If you would like to act as net control or have any ideas for improving the net, please contact Aaron. Hope to hear you on the air! - Simplex is currently on hold, Aaron and Zach are trying to determine if another night would work best for this net operation. Ham Fests: Check the website. Old Business: Field Day – Jeff, KB8QAP will be chair for Field Day 2018 Field Day Meeting to follow our business meeting. A new screen and projector is needed for the club with our move to the Chick-Owa Sportsman’s Club. Dan, Jack, and Tom decided to a projector and screen combination wouold be best for the club. The club can purchase a projector for $100.00 and Dan was able to get his church to donate the screen to the club. A motion was made to purchase a projector for the club at a cost of $100.00 - Approved New Business: No new business The business meeting was adjourned at 7:13pm. Field Day Meeting 7:13pm to 7:30pm This year K8DAA will operating at 5A + GOTA station + AMSAT station Submitted: Josh Barnes, KE8DXB Holland ARC Secretary Please contact the Secretary with comments or corrections.