General Membership Meeting Minutes March 12, 2018 The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Tom, K8TB. Secretary’s report for February was accepted as posted. Treasurer’s report (Rich, WA8MTI): General Fund = $3271.63 Membership Fund = $277.28 Cash on hand = $5.00 Papal XFER = $24.15 Total = $3,578.06 Treasurer’s report was accepted as read. Upcoming Events: “Ham in a Day” Ham in a Day will be held at 1pm on April 14th at the VictoryPoint Ministries Youth Building. VE Testing follows each event at 6pm. For more information, or to register for the Ham in a Day class, please visit: Kim is stepping down as Head VE, and Bob will be taking over as Head VE. Upcoming VE Testing session will be on March10th, 2018. E.A.T. This month’s E.A.T. meeting is going to be on March 26, 2018 led by Jeff, KD8THX. 2 Meter Net – The 2m net of the Holland Amateur Radio Club will begin at 7:30 at 147.06. All amateur radio enthusiasts are welcome to join the net. Please check in and join the fun! Feel free to reach out to Ed to take Net control. Simplex Net - Plan to be on 2 Meter Simplex at 146.430 MHz, now starting at 8:30P in the evening. This net is headed up by Aaron Folkert, KD8VUN. If you would like to act as net control or have any ideas for improving the net, please contact Aaron. Hope to hear you on the air! - Aaron is looking for net control for March 20th and April 3rd, contact Aaron if interested. Ham Fests: Check the website. April’s Meeting will be at the Holland Power Plant. Meeting will start at 6:30p. Names and Addresses for all attendees must be submitted at least two days prior to the tour. See Phil to sign up to attend. Old Business: Yaesu DR2X Repeater – Opportunity to trade in our DR1 and get the DR2X for $500.00 with IRMS board. Club should take some time to think over the opportunity if we want to do this in order to take advantage of the offer and see if we want update our fusion repeater options. Ike,K8EMU, gave his report about Holland Township rules for antennas. Antennas below 70’ are okay to install without approval from the township, anything over 70’ requires approval from the township. Climbable towers must be enclosed by a fence or have anti-climb devices. New Business: Spectrum Internet is available for our new site at Chick-owa club (COC) the estimate is around $45.00 a month, which will be shared between HARC and COC. The thought would be that for the first five months or so would be covered by HARC to get started, and when COC needs access for the access gate. We will communicate with COC and see if they are ready for us to move forward. DMR Repeater – Tom,K8TB, moved and Paul,K8PD, seconded installing a DMR repeater in the Holland area, with no cost requested at this time. Some equipment has been donated to get the HARC DMR repeater started. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Todd, W8YHF, will be looking into switching our yahoo group to – to register K8DAA. Todd will research and come back to the club with recommendations. The business meeting was adjourned at 7:38pm. Submitted: Josh Barnes, KE8DXB Holland ARC Secretary Please contact the Secretary with comments or corrections.