General Membership Meeting of the Holland Amateur Radio Club January 9, 2012 The meeting was started at 7:00 PM by President Ike, K8EMU. Ike introduced himself, and then had everyone else introduce themselves. He moved directly to the program, which was a presentation by Jim Klynstra, who is an exercise planner for the DHS, and the Director of Selective for the State of Michigan. Ike called the general membership meeting to order at 7:55 PM. The secretary’s report from the December meeting was read, and Alan, NV8A commented that the Ham of Year Award was not mentioned in the minutes. This will be edited in. Minutes were then read and approved as corrected. Ike informed the club that after the December meeting, he was informed by Jeanette Beagley, K8JBK that she was resigning her position as club treasurer. The board accepted her resignation. As such, there was no treasurer’s report. Ike opened the floor to nominations for treasurer. There were none submitted where the person had been contacted. Ike then accepted an offer from Phil K8PVH to be the Interim Treasurer. Committee Nominations: Trustee remains Dave, WA8RSA. Repeater technical stays with Laryn, K8TVZ. Education. Chris KC8RQT offered to be the education chairman. Accepted. Emergency. Ike will ask Steve Vander Hill, N8UJD to stay with this appointment. Building and facilities, Field Day, 2-meter net coordinator positions are still open, although Phil K8PVH, has someone who has inquired about taking the Field Day position. He will contact that person and report back at a future meeting. Ed, KF8EV requested that the club officers act as net control on the week just before the club meeting. The officers agreed to this request and Tom, K8TB will act as net control for the first Monday in February. A motion was made by Jim, N8QMD at 8:12 PM to adjourn. Seconded by Alan, NV8A and approved. Submitted by Tom Bosscher K8TB