Holland Amateur Radio Club Membership Meeting January 10th, 2011 SOCIAL PROGRAM Introductions, welcome and opening remarks: Welcome to our new meeting site at the American Red Cross of Ottawa County, and to a new day, the second Monday of each month. Since Valentine's day falls on the same day as our February meeting, the members present decided to cancel the meeting. Our next meeting will be March 14, 2011 Presentation: West Michigan Search and Rescue, presented by Marv Hoekstra WA8ARA and Chuck Stark W8CCS. Refreshments: Coffee and cookies. 50/50 Raffle: Jim Lamberts KC8KE was absent, so there was no 50/50 General Announcements: The 'clubhouse' building is closed and awaiting demotion. All of our obligations to the City of Holland and the utility companies have been completed. We will pass along the date that demolition is to occur as soon as we know. Jeff Ver Hage KB8QAP and Ivan Dewitt K8EMU received the Holland Amateur Radio Club's Ham of the Year award. There is a new Dues structure, with a single membership dues to remain at $20.00 for a calendar year (January through December) and $10.00 for each family member or spouse. Skywarn Classes for Ottawa County will be offered in March 24, 2011. We will be publishing a new Directory in 2011. Please fill in a Membership Form when you renew to be sure that your information is up-to-date, or email Drew Robinson N8UXP drew545@charter.net with any changes. Winter classes for 2011 January 11, 2011 – CW Class January 12, 2011 – Technician License Class January 13, 2011 – General License Class BUSINESS MEETING There was no Business Meeting Respectfully submitted Jim Heyl, N8QMD, Secretary secretary@hollandarc.org Please contact the Secretary with comments or corrections.