Holland Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting December 7, 2010 Call to Order: 7:00pm. President: Megan WO0MEG. Recommended continuation of the current practice for notification of Event Cancellation by use of local media such as TV and radio, as well placing notifications on the HARC website, Yahoo Group and repeater for announcements. The Board agreed and will make this recommendation at the December general membership meeting. Megan has updated the Club information on the ARRL website. The City of Holland Megan informed us that nobody would be permitted to dismantle any portion of the clubhouse without permission which included a requirement for a substantial personal insurance policy. HARC members therefore cannot participate in removal and recycling of any structural items from the clubhouse. Vice-President: Jim KC8KE Nothing to report Treasurer: Phil K8PVH The recent auction netted $533. Treasurer's Report to be presented at the December meeting. Secretary: Jim N8QMD Club website (www.hollandarc.org) has been updated. Comments are welcome. Club Station Committee: Dave WA8RSA Nothing to report Education Committee: Ed KF8EV – absent, sent tentative schedules as follows: January 11 - March 29 CW class January 12 - March 31 Technician License Class January 13 – March 30 General License Class April 2 – VE Test The Board has approved these class schedules. Emergency Committee: Steve N8UJD Nothing to report Buildings and Facilities Committee: Kim N8KAL – absent Kim has stepped down from his position as Buildings and Facilities Chair, and the Board approved Hank Dinklemann KA8COB to take Kim's place. General Discussion: The Board extended its full support for Rick Elushik N8GGO in his effort to coordinate our Elections. Jim Lamberts KC8KE and Dave Lamer WA8RSA have agreed to store club property indefinitely. Steve Vanderhill N8UJD will coordinate club equipment installation activities Red Cross. Bill Smith, Director of Ottawa County Emergency Management, is retiring. The Board approved the purchase of a plaque, sharing expenses with NOARC, showing both of our club's appreciation for his years of hard work and support of amateur radio in our county. HARC Membership Directory. The Committee, chaired by Drew Robinson N8UXP, must determine what information the membership would like included, and the extent of geographical area it will cover. As a related item, the HARC Membership Form has been revised and the Committee must determine which portions of the information will be included in the Directory. Monday Night 2 Meter Net Beginning in 2011, the scheduled Net time conflicts with general membership meetings. The Net will remain on Monday nights pending further review and discussion. The Board recommends continuing the “loss of repeater” drills during randomly-selected Nets. These issues are to be presented and discussed further at general membership meetings. HARC will offer a Photo CD, prepared by Steve N8UJD and containing approximately 800 photos of club members and activities, for sale at a nominal cost of $5.00 each, will be available at the December and January meetings. HARC website activities calendar includes classes and meetings scheduled for 2011. Board members should each be Skywarn trained and certified. Adjourned: 9:00 pm Respectfully submitted Jim Heyl, N8QMD, Secretary secretary@hollandarc.org Please contact the Secretary with comments or corrections.