Holland Amateur Radio Club Membership Meeting June 7th, 2010 SOCIAL PROGRAM Introductions, welcome and opening remarks: Program: Field Day, Fundraisers and Foxhunts – informal presentations on HARC Field Day planning by Phil Van Huis, K8PVH and Ken Perry, N8AAE, HARC Fundraisers and discount coupon book sales by Megan Heyl, WO0MEG, and Foxhunt past, present and future activities by Mike Hill W8DER and Tom Bosscher K8TB. Go-Bags – John Bok N8QWVN made a quick presentation of his “GO-BAG” and its contents. Thanks to all for these presentations. Refreshments: Coffee, and cookies. BUSINESS MEETING Call to Order: 8:00pm. 27 members and guests were in attendance. 50/50 Raffle: Winner of $9.00 was Joann Gornick WA8UJA HARC placed $9.00 into the Repeater Fund We always need 'trinkets' to give away for the raffle. Please donate any you can spare. General Announcements: Please put your name on the Cookie sign up sheet. We need more volunteers to provide calories for the Club! Goodies Factory discount coupon books are available for sale. Please take the time to sign up to sell some of these. Proceeds benefit HARC. The HARC July meeting will MONDAY, July 12, 2010. Field Day Preparations: The membership proposed that the Treasurer be authorized to spend up to $200 for food and refreshment at Field Day. A Motion made by Alan NV8A and supported by Ross KD8MGM was put to a vote and the Motion carried. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Vice-President: Jim KC8KE, nothing to report. Treasurer: The June Treasurer's Report that was handed out at the meeting. Motion to approve the report as handed out was made by Joe N8FQ, and with support from Alan NV8A the Motion carried. Secretary: Jim N8QMD, nothing to report. Education: Ed KF8EV was absent, and there was nothing else to report. Repeater: Laryn K8TVZ, nothing to report. SWAP: HARC 2010 Swap co-chairs are Ike K8EMU and Jeff KB8QAP, with help from John KC8QDE. The Theme for this year's Swap is “Public Service and Communications.” Field Day Committee: Phil K8PVH and Ken N8AAE. Band Captains 20 SSB Dave WD8PUO Ross KD8MGM 40 SSB Kim N8KAL 75 SSB Ed KF8EV Larry KA8TEY 40 CW Mike WD8NHA Jim KC8KE Dave WD8RSA 80/20 CW Tom K8TB 15/10/6 SSB OPEN New Business: - There was no new business brought before the club Adjourned: 9:30 pm Respectfully submitted Jim Heyl, N8QMD, Secretary secretary@hollandarc.org Please contact the Secretary with comments or corrections.