Register for a Holland ARC VE Test Session

VE Testing is at the

Chick-Owa Sportsmans’ Club                                                                                           9279 E. Ottagan St., Holland, MI

Examinations will be held the second Saturday of March, April, June, August, November and December, beginning at 6:00pm.

Before coming to the testing session we need you to complete two items,

Obtaining an FRN and Filling out a Form.

No appointment is necessary but Obtaining an FRN and Filling out a Form below is needed before coming to the testing session. These are both fairly quick to do.

Obtaining an FRN

The FCC does not allow us to use your Social Security number any more. Please go to this website: and complete the following before filling out the form below and before coming to the testing session.

  • Locate and click on “Register and receive your FRN”
  • Select registration type as “An individual”
  • Select “Yes” for your contact address is in the United States.
  • Click “Continue”
  • On the next page, enter all the required information and your email. The required fields are marked with a red star.
  • After entering all the required information and the email field, click the “submit” button.
  • The next window will state the success of creating an FRN and will also give you the FRN (ten digit number starting with zeros).                                                                       Write this number down and enter it below!
  • We need this number for registration.

Filling out a Form

Please answer the following questions below to register for the next testing session.